
To use PrairieLearn in a course you will need to:

  1. Install PrairieLearn on your own computer and make sure that it works by viewing the sample course in a web browser.

  2. Get a PrairieLearn course set up by emailing your GitHub username to engr-cbtf-admins@mx.uillinois.edu. This will give you two things:

  3. A course-specific private GitHub repository with a name like pl-tam212.

  4. A public PrairieLearn instance with an address like https://prairielearn.engr.illinois.edu/tam212

  5. Clone your course repository onto your computer and configure your local PrairieLearn to use that course.

  6. Develop questions and tests on your local computer, and push them back to GitHub.

  7. Whenever you are ready, go to your course PrairieLearn page and update from GitHub, which will update to the current master.