Course configuration

Directory layout

A course is specified by a single directory, with the following structure:

|-- courseInfo.json # course specification (see below)
|-- questions       # all questions for the course
|   `-- ...         # one subdirectory per question
|-- tests           # all the tests for the course
|   `-- ...         # one subdirectory per test
|-- clientCode      # library code that can be used in any question
|   |-- library1.js
|   `-- library2.js
|-- serverCode      # code only accessible from server.js in questions
|   `-- secretLibrary1.js
`-- clientFiles     # general files available from the client at all time
    |-- refs.html
    `-- formulas.pdf


This file specifies basic information about the course, like the title and users:

    "name": "TAM 212",
    "title": "Introductory Dynamics",
    "userRoles": {
        "": "Instructor",
        "": "TA",
        "": "TA"

User Roles

Each user has a single role assigned to them. These are:

Role Description
Student A student participating in the class. They can only see their own information, and can do do tests.
TA An assistant instructor. They can see the data of all users, but can only edit their own information.
Instructor A person in charge of the course. Has full permission to see and edit the information of other users.
Superuser A server administrator. Has full access to everything.

User roles Student through Instructor can be set in the courseConfig.json file. The Superuser role can only be specified in the server config.json file.

The detailed list of permissions for each role is:

Operation Student TA Instructor Superuser
overrideScore: Submit question answers with pre-determined scores. Yes Yes
overrideVID: Load specific (non-random) instances of questions. Yes Yes Yes
seeQID: See question ID strings. Yes Yes Yes
viewOtherUsers: View data from any other user. Yes Yes Yes
editOtherUsers: Edit data from any other user. Yes Yes
changeMode: Change the current interface mode (Public/Exam). Yes Yes
seeAvailDate: See the date availability information for tests. Yes Yes Yes
bypassAccess: Bypass all access restrictions. Yes Yes
viewErrors: See server error messages. Yes Yes
viewCoursePulls: See git pulls of course data. Yes Yes Yes
editCoursePulls: Pull the course data from git. Yes Yes
deleteTInstances : Delete and reset tests. Yes Yes
seeAdminPages : View admin pages with extra options. Yes Yes Yes
createQIDWithoutTID: View questions outside of a test. Yes Yes
createQIDWithoutTIID: View questions outside of a test instance. Yes Yes Yes
Automatic access to all courses. Yes