PrairieLearn API


There are five main PrairieLearn components:

  • Database
  • PrairieLearn API Server
  • PrairieLearn Web Server
  • PrairieLearn WebApp
  • Questions

The PrairieLearn Web Server sends the PrairieLearn WebApp code and resources to the browser. The PrairieLearn Web Server only serves static resources and it does not computation itself.

The PrairieLearn API Server and PrairieLearn WebApp communicate over the Server API (see below).

The PrairieLearn API Server is the only component that communicates with the Database.

Each Question includes both a server and client JavaScript component. The PrairieLearn API Server executes communicates with the server.js Question component. The PrairieLearn API Server also transmits the client.js Question component to the PrairieLearn WebApp as JavaScript source-code. The WebApp then executes and communicates with the client.js component.

The communication between both the Server and the WebApp with the Question occurs over the Question API (see below).

Server API

The PrairieLearn server presents a RESTful HTTP API (Level 2 on the Richardson Maturity Model).

Server API: Identifiers

All ID objects are strings. They should be treated as opaque identifiers and should not be interpreted for any information.

ID Identified resource Example
<qid> Question scalarAdd
<uid> User mwest
<vid> Variant of a question ac45b0
<sid> Submission s533
<qiid> Question instance qi4228
<tid> Test midterm2
<tiid> Test instance ti4241
<pid> Pull instance p273

Server API: Method calls

The general pattern is that a collection /collect can generally be accessed in three ways:

  • A GET to /collect returns all the objects in the collection, each with a minimal representation containing at least the <id> property. An optional query string to the GET may allow for filtering of the return list by certain object properties.

  • A POST to /collect creates a new object in the collection and returns its <id>. The POST data may need to contain some of the properties of the new object. The newly created object will typically have some of its properties filled in by the server upon creation.

  • A GET to /collect/<id> returns the single specified object in complete form.

Path Method Action Send Return
/questions GET JSON: List of all <question> objects.
/questions/<qid> GET JSON: Single <question> object.
/users GET JSON: List of all <user> objects.
/users/<uid> GET JSON: Single <user> object.
/qInstances GET JSON: List of all <qInstance> objects, optionally filtered by <uid> or <qid> parameters.
/qInstances POST Creates new qInstance object. JSON: partial <qInstance> object. JSON: complete newly created <qInstance> object.
/qInstances/<qiid> GET JSON: Single <qInstance> object.
/qInstances/<qiid>/client.js GET Text: JavaScript question client code.
/qInstances/<qiid>/<filename> GET Other question files (type determined by filename extension).
/submissions GET JSON: List of all <submission> objects, optionally filtered by <uid> or <qid> parameters.
/submissions POST Creates new submission object. JSON: partial <submission> object. JSON: complete newly created <submission> object.
/submissions/<sid> GET JSON: Single <submission> object.
/tests GET JSON: List of all <test> objects.
/tests/<tid> GET JSON: Single <test> object.
/tests/<tid>/client.js GET Text: JavaScript test client code.
/tests/<tid>/common.js GET Text: JavaScript test client-server-shared code.
/tests/<tid>/test.html GET Text: HTML question template for test.
/tests/<tid>/testOverview.html GET Text: HTML question template for test overview.
/tests/<tid>/testSidebar.html GET Text: HTML question template for test sidebar.
/tInstances GET JSON: List of all <tInstance> objects, optionally filtered by <uid>.
/tInstances/<tiid> GET JSON: Single <tInstance> object.
/tInstances POST Creates new tInstance object. JSON: partial <tInstance> object. JSON: complete newly created <tInstance> object.
/tInstances/<tiid> PATCH Updates an existing <tInstance> (used to grade tests). JSON: partial <tInstance> object. JSON: complete updated <tInstance> object.
/course GET - - JSON: The <courseInfo> object.
/coursePulls GET - - JSON: List of all <coursePull> objects.
/coursePulls/current GET - - JSON: The current <coursePull> object.
/coursePulls POST Creates new <coursePull> object. JSON: particle <coursePull> object. JSON: complete newly created <coursePull> object.

Server API: JSON object specifications

  "qid": <string>,
  "title": <string>
  "uid": <string>,
  "name": <string>
  "qiid": <string>
  "title": <string>
  "date": <date>,
  "uid": <string>,
  "tiid": <string>
  "qid": <string>,
  "vid": <string>,
  "params": <params>,
  "trueAnswer": <trueAnswer> // optional
  "options": <object> // optional
<params> Question-specific object with name/value pairs for the question data.
<submittedAnswer> Question-specific object with name/value pairs for the submitted answer data.
<trueAnswer> Question-specific object with name/value pairs for the true answer data.
<feedback> Question-specific object with name/value pairs for feedback data.
  "params": <params>,
  "trueAnswer": <trueAnswer>
  "sid": <string>
  "date": <date>,
  "uid": <string>,
  "qiid": <string>,
  "submittedAnswer": <submittedAnswer>,
  "overrideScore": <number>, // optional
  "practice": <boolean>, // optional
  "score": <number>,
  "feedback": <feedback>,
  "trueAnswer": <trueAnswer>
  "score": <number>,
  "feedback": <feedback>
  "tid": <string>,
  "title": <string>,
  "type": <string>,
  "number": <number>
  "tiid": <string>,
  "uid": <string>,
  "tid": <string>
  "name": <string>,
  "title": <string>
  "pid": <string>,
  "createDate": <date>,
  "createUID": <string>,
  "subject": <string>,
  "commitHash": <string>,
  "refNames": <string>,
  "authorName": <string>,
  "authorEmail": <string>,
  "authorDate": <string>,
  "committerName": <string>,
  "committerEmail": <string>,
  "committerDate": <string>

Server API: Error reporting

The PrairieLearn server only uses the following HTTP status codes:

HTTP status code Meaning
200 Success
400 Invalid request
403 Forbidden
404 No object with given ID
500 Internal server error

Question API

The PrairieLearn Questions consist of server.js and client.js components. These present a JavaScript API for communication with the PrairieLearn Server and the PrairieLearn WebApp. The Question components server.js and client.js should be loaded with RequireJS to obtain the corresponding <server> and <client> objects.

Question server API

Function Arguments Return Description
getData <vid>, <options> <questionData> Generate question-specific <questionData> describing the particular instance of the question using the random <vid>. This function must be deterministic, so that a particular <vid> always generates the same <questionData>.
gradeAnswer <vid>, <params>, <trueAnswer>, <submittedAnswer>, <options> <grading> Determine whether the given <submittedAnswer> object is correct for the question instance corresponding to the given <vid>, and return the correctness information in the <grading> object.

Question client API

Function Arguments Return Description
initialize <params> Initialize the question client with the given question parameters. This will be called before any other functions on the client.
renderQuestion <questionDivID>, <changeCallback> Render the question into the div with the given ID. The <changeCallback> argument is a function that must be called (with no arguments) when the user changes their answer to the question. The renderQuestion() function will not be called multiple times without an intervening call to close(). The setSubmittedAnswer() and setTrueAnswer() functions may be called before or after renderQuestion().
renderAnswer <answerDivID> Render the true answer into the div with the given ID. The renderAnswer() function will not be called multiple times without an intervening call to close(). The setSubmittedAnswer() and setTrueAnswer() functions may be called before or after renderAnswer().
close Remove any listeners or other hooks associated with the client. Called just before the client rendering is removed from the DOM.
isComplete <boolean> Return true if the question can be graded, otherwise false.
getSubmittedAnswer <submittedAnswer> Return the current state of the question input as a <submittedAnswer> object (possibly only partially complete).
setSubmittedAnswer <submittedAnswer> Set the current state of the question input from the provided <submittedAnswer> object (possibly only partially complete).
setTrueAnswer <trueAnswer> Set the current state of the true answer from the provided <trueAnswer> object.
setFeedback <feedback> Set the current state of the question feedback from the provided <feedback> object.

Sample execution flows

Solving a question with a random variant

The steps to ask and answer a question with a random variant are:

  1. Decide which <qid> we want to attempt.

  2. POST to /qInstances with a partial qInstance of the form:

      "uid": <uid>,
      "qid": <qid>
  3. The return value will be a completed qInstance object of the form:

      "qiid": <qiid>,
      "date": <date>,
      "uid": <uid>,
      "qid": <qid>,
      "params": <params>

Take the randomly generated variant ID <vid> from here.

  1. GET the question client code from /questions/<qid>/<vid>/client.js

  2. Call client.initialize() and client.renderQuestion(), passing a callback for change notifications.

  3. Wait until the change callback fires and client.isComplete() returns true, and then further wait until the user indicates the desire to submit the answer for grading.

  4. Call client.getSubmittedAnswer() to obtain a <submittedAnswer> object.

  5. POST to /submissions with a partial submission object of the form:

      "uid": <uid>,
      "qiid": <qiid>,
      "submittedAnswer": <submittedAnswer>
  6. The return value will be a completed submission object of the form:

      "sid": <sid>,
      "date": <date>,
      "uid": <uid>,
      "qiid": <qiid>,
      "submittedAnswer": <submittedAnswer>,
      "score": <number>,
      "feedback": <feedback>,
      "trueAnswer": <trueAnswer>
  7. Show the score to the user and call client.setTrueAnswer() and client.renderAnswer() to display the true answer.


Rather than implementing a general client interface, the SimpleClient library allows the easy creation of questions with a certain structure.