Installing PrairieLearn on Windows

  1. Install the pre-requisites:

  2. Node.js

  3. MongoDB
  4. GitHub Desktop

  5. Make an account on GitHub and ask Matt West to add you to the PrairieLearn organization (send your GitHub username).

  6. Next clone the latest code:

  7. Open GitHub Desktop (the program, not the website)

  8. Click the + button in the upper left to add a repository
  9. From within the PrairieLearn organization, clone the PrairieLearn repository. Note where it is installed it (e.g., C:\GitHub) for use below.

  10. Install the backend libraries:

    $ cd C:\GitHub\PrairieLearn\backend
    $ npm install

Running PrairieLearn

  1. Run the database (exact commandline may need adjusting):
    $ mkdir C:\db       # or any other directory you want
    $ "C:\Program Files\Mongo\3.0\Server\mongod.exe" --dbpath C:\db

This should end with a message like waiting for connections on port 27017 and will remain running in the foreground, so this terminal can't be used for anything else. Use Crtl-C to stop the database at any time.

  1. Run the server (exact commandline may need adjusting):
    $ cd C:\GitHub\PrairieLearn\backend
    $ node server

This should end with PrairieLearn server ready and will remain running in the foreground, so this terminal can't be used for anything else. Stopping or restarting the server can be done with Crtl-C.

  1. In a web-browswer go to http://localhost:3000

Updating PrairieLearn

  1. Stop the PrairieLearn server with Ctrl-C.

  2. Open GitHub Deskop (the program, not the website), select the PrairieLearn repository, and click the Sync button.

  3. Ensure the libraries are up-to-date with:

    $ cd C:\GitHub\PrairieLearn/backend
    $ npm update
  4. Restart the PrairieLearn server:

    $ cd C:\GitHub\PrairieLearn/backend
    $ node server

If this gives an error that it Cannot find module, then make sure the npm update command in the previous step was successful.